About Michele

Some are born into a family of writers while others become writers because of the family they are born into. Michele falls into the latter category. As a child raised in a large Italian family in New Jersey, Michele often escaped to her bedroom with a book. This strategy still works when she needs a quiet place to read or write at her home in Fairfield County, Conn., where she lives with her husband, their two children, and dog.
After graduating from Boston College, Michele spent a year in Los Angeles working as a full-time volunteer in a homeless shelter. Next, she took a job in New York coordinating volunteers for the American Red Cross. Michele decided to become a journalist after she spent a month in Puerto Rico and St. Croix doing PR for Hurricane Hugo disaster relief efforts.
After earning a Master’s degree from the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism, Michele took a job working as an assistant editor at American Health magazine (a Reader’s Digest publication). She started her career as a freelancer when she moved to Washington, D.C. a few years later. Michele loved researching story ideas, delving into new topics, and interviewing experts — everyone from Dr. Ruth to legendary Manhattan District Attorney Robert Morgenthau — because she learned so much and met so many fascinating people. More than 25 years later, Michele's still at it, although she worked as an adjunct professor of journalism at Quinnipiac University for several years. Michele also runs a company called A Bloc of Writers, which offers writing, editing, and tutoring services (their mainstay is college application essay tutoring). In 2015, Michele took over as president of the Connecticut Press Club, a statewide organization comprised of media professionals.